In my previous blogs i mentioned about Approach, Choosing Technologies, Some Practices from our journey. It is time to bring our deployment models which we adopted in this journey. This topic to me is considered an uninteresting implementation detail, but is now becoming a fundamental element for modern systems. People use different terms for same... Continue Reading →

‘Logicalness ’ ⇐⇒ ‘Mathematicalness ’? Mathematically Designed Event Models

Last Month I was at an IoT event, where most of them introduced themselves as an Architect. A gentleman asked everyone in the room, “How many of you can translate atleast one concept of their Implemented Architectural Pattern to Mathematical expressions”? SILENCE His next words are “Architects must be somebody that actually design/writes software with... Continue Reading →

Building and Managing Kubernetes Applications: Get up and Running Docker/Kubernetes

While a lot of computing workload moves to the cloud, the local environment is still relevant. All major software orchestration platforms have their own “mini” distribution that can run on a developer machine. If you work with Mesos you have minimesos (container based), for Kubernetes there is minikube (virtual machine). RedHat offers both a virtual machine (minishift) and a container... Continue Reading →

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